Better Veggies – Grow Better Vegetables Yourself!

Fresher, safer and healthier!

That should be your mantra when you are considering what you feed your family.

It seems like every other day or so we are reading about another health scare based on the foods we eat.

Remember that poison cantaloupe deal that killed folks just this past summer?

Sure we get “fresh” veggies at the local supermarket. We never know just HOW fresh they are.

Plus, what’s been done to them that makes them stay fresh? Who knows?

Listen, the best way to make sure that you and your family are eating healthy veggies is to grow them yourself.

Now don’t panic. It really isn’t that hard. How do I know?Well check it out for yourself right here:

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Have you ever plucked a fresh, vine-ripened tomato from a bush and savored the hint of sunshine on your tongue while juice dribbled off your chin?  If not, you are missing something close to Nirvana! 

Sadly, the majority of people today have no idea what a treat they are missing.  Oh sure, we have veggies every color of the rainbow available at the local supermarket.  

We even have the added benefit of summer vegetables in the winter.  Melons and berries in January were unheard of a few years back.  But, have you ever given any thought to the trade off for all this convenience?

There is a price to pay.  Usually the price is processing and lack of flavor.  All those “off season” vegetables come from somewhere around the globe.  They are grown using pesticides that permeate the product, some even use dyes to create the pretty colors,

Sure, they look good, but we are never absolutely certain what goes into all that convenience.  As if that were bad enough, many of those fruits and vegetables are utterly tasteless!

This isn’t a treatise on over process foods, but rest assured even the veggies grown right here in the U S of A don’t always make the grade.  Yes, we have inspectors on top of inspectors.  What good did that do for all those people who ate the bad cantaloupe this past summer.

How different do you think it would be if you were able to consume your own fresh vegetables?  Knowing exactly how they were grown and what fertilizers you used would be a huge benefit for your family’s health and well being. Not to mention that you would be in total control of how you preserved your vegetables for future enjoyment.

…but I don’t have a green thumb!

You don’t need one!  All you need is a little instruction.

Ask yourself these three questions:

  1. What if you could feed your family fresher foods?
  2. What if you were able to insure a healthier diet?
  3. What if there were a way to insure better nutrition?

Well, there is and you can. If you are like many people, you may have explored the idea of home gardening. The problem is finding out how to go about it when you have no experience.

There is tons of information available about gardening.  The problem is that almost everything is written at a level that requires a formal horticultural degree!

What you need is a practical guide that isn’t full of technical jargon.  You need a simple, easy to follow guide about how to get started.  We have just the ticket. You need “Grow Better Vegetables Yourself.”



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