How to Keep Happy Customers

How many times have you read an email from a customer only to gnash your teeth and let out a stream of expletives that shouldn’t be spoken?
One of the hardest things for an online business owner to handle is customer service.
On the one hand you know you must honor the guarantee you placed on your site.
On the other hand you have a proprietory interest in your “baby” and it’s just not possible that someone doesn’t love it like you do!
Who’s right? Who’s wrong?
Actually the answer is the same for each. That’s not the issue. The issue is whether you want to win the battle but lose the war!
In other words, you can spend many hours arguing back and forth with a customer and ultimately win that particular battle.
Or, you quietly replace the product or give a refund promptly and courteously and you win the war.
There are different types of customers and at some time it’s practically a given that you will have a few that will take advantage of you. If you can’t accept that, the best thing you can do is close your business and remain an employee.
However, if you are committed to success in your business learn how to save your business and your sanity by learning how to handle customer service.
You can do that here:

OK, so you have read the marketing books about how to get traffic to your site and you’ve used some or all of what you’ve learnt. But what happens when they visit your site. Maybe they go on your mailing list, if you have one, maybe they buy or maybe they do nothing at all and never return.

Industry statistics indicate the average web site converts a maximum of 1% of visitors to customers. That’s not many when you consider how much work you have to do to get them to your site.

What are the tricks to increase your visitor to customer buying ratio without spending megabucks on sophisticated CRM (customer relationship management) solutions.

The e-commerce industry is awash with new services and hype about eCRM and vCRM. IDC Worldwide estimated that by 2003, US$90 billion would be spent on CRM initiatives for the very purpose of increasing visitor to customer ratio’s.

This report is about helping you to understand and implement the secrets of converting visitors to customers without spending megabucks. It makes you aware of the simple steps you can take to make your web business profitable. Here is a small sample of some of the tricks you will learn:

  • How to use free research techniques to create customer focus
  • How to choose the features for your web site that make it customer focused
  • How to constantly mould your web site to have a better customer focus
  • How to build profiled email addresses from your web site
  • What are the typical hot buttons for Internet customers
  • How to build credibility into your site to get visitors in a buying mood
  • The customer friendly design elements ignored by most web sites


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