Cheep Tricks & Tips!

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Not necessarily. . . .

Dear Reader,

If you are reading this page, it’s a pretty good bet that you already own or are considering ownership of an exotic bird.  Parrots can bring much pleasure to their owners for many years.

Ask anyone who owns one and they will certainly share their joy and experiences with you.

If you are serious about owning your own feathered friend, it’s a given that you must conduct serious research before making that leap.  For one thing, exotic birds are costly and it just makes sense that you thoroughly understand the commitment you must make to do it properly.

If you have owned pets before, making the jump from a kitten or a puppy to an exotic bird pales in comparison to the time and involvement necessary to do it successfully.

Maybe you had a parakeet or a canary as a child.  There’s a huge difference between just offering water and birdseed and lining the bottom of a birdcage with the daily newspaper. 

Owning a parrot is more on the par of adding a child to your household. And the responsibilities are pretty much equal to raising an infant to a toddler and straight through to adulthood.

There is a great deal of responsibility and much to be learned before you start shopping.  Challenging?  By all means.  Rewarding?  Absolutely.  You just need to have a full understanding of what is required before you make the leap.

are you prepared?

Ask yourself these three questions:

  1. What if you could learn about what type of parrot is right for you?
  2. What if you could learn that BEFORE you make the leap?
  3. What if there were a way to bring your parrot easily into the home?

Well, you can, there is and we’d like to show you just how simple it can be.

How Do You Create a Simple and Easy Transition?

It’s actually a pretty painless process if you are properly prepared.  You need to have the right attitude AND the right tools. Having a positive approach and belief that you CAN do it are the key factors.

You provide the appropriate attitude and we have the right tools. You’ll find them inside our guide entitled “Cheep Tricks and Tips.”

It’s really all about common sense.  What do you need to do and how do you do it.  And doing things consistently each day can insure a good outcome.  That’s what you get in “Cheep Tricks and Tips.”

and some of the best parts are . . .

  • It isn’t written by a self-appointed expert.
  • It’s very easy to read because it’s written by a bird owner.
  • It takes little time to find out what topics need your focus.
  • Cost of the guide is minimal.
  • You’ll laugh at the price!

Our author has created a comprehensive guide that will help you learn how to properly train your bird. Understand that you CAN do this. Take a look at what you’ll uncover:

Learn about selecting the right parrot for you.
Helping it to fit in with your household.
How to get the right cage.
Teaching it tricks and more!


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