How to Be a Body Reader – Silent Signals

It is possible. In fact you can become such a good “body” reader, people will think you are a “mind” reader.

What kind of advantage do you think you would have if you could read the boss’s mind?

How would your life be affected by an ability to negotiate in your own best interests every single time?

Have you ever considered how pleasant your life would be if you could avoid all those pesky negative situations that come up?

Well, you are on your way to becoming the best mind reader you can be.

But, you’re going to do it by becoming a body reader instead!

It’s really easy once you know how.
Learn more about it at:


This book is written to assist the reader in developing and/or improving their communications skills, increase their understanding of other people’s messages and their real needs; increase the likelihood that others will understand you; and provides tips to improve the impression you give others.

The first chapter will address the more obvious but often misunderstood visible signals. The author details out several positions, their meaning as these positions relate to people who are powerful, those who want to dominant, and those individuals who have seniority in a group. There is information on how to identify these positions and how to handled them. Additional information addresses personal space and what it means when someone gets very close to you; and what a persons body positions suggest.
There is a list of negative signals such as clenching fists and/or false smile. This chapter address each part of the body: body stance, placement of hands, legs, head, eyes, voice, and breathing.

Have you ever wondered what scratching means or what stress signals might be. What does wringing hands mean, or pulling at ones collar, or making unnecessary adjustments to ones clothing say? What does it mean when someone puts his/her hands near or on the mouth and//or other body movements? These questions will be addressed in chapter three.

Chapter four identifies signals of stress and stress reducers. The author has several simple suggestions and techniques for the reader to use when one feels tense and stress before talking with someone and/or before a meeting.


The next chapter is dedicated to excellent exercise for people to use, such as walking, cycling, swimming are just a few that are mention in this chapter. There are step by step instructions for each of the exercises presented in this chapter.

First impressions is the focus of the following chapter. There are instruction on how to introduce yourself and begin conversations with people; and how to fit into groups.
Just like our first impression is important so is the last few minutes of a meeting just as important. The author provides some suggestions in assure you leave on a positive note.

The following chapter focuses on men and women’s forms of interaction between the sexes. The author details some gestures and other signals which men and women use.

The next chapter provides tips and strategies on how to power up your presentations. The author makes suggestions and instructions on how to be comfortable; and how your level of comfortably impacts the outcome of the presentation and influences others. Tips like double checking equipment, using a minimum number of words on your slides; don’t repeat; face the audience at all times; and what to say while the audience is reading a slide. When making your points be aware of the reactions or lack of from your audience, is a section in this chapter. The author provides several suggestions and tips to address this concern.

The follow chapter looks at how to determine and deal with what can go wrong, such as when people speak a different language and have different body signals; how to evaluate a situation and the importance of considering all factors before making a judgment; how to avoid looking for complex motives; how to avoid being over confident about your perceptions; and how to avoid starting with negative signals.


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