Making a Memorable Move – The Easy Moving Guide

If you have ever had to move, you probably rate it next to tooth extraction as your most favorite thing to do.

You aren’t alone. No one that I have ever spoken to about the subject looks forward to moving!

Oh everyone is excited about the new changes ahead of them. We can all relate to positive experiences.

What is difficult, however, is the actual mechanics of moving. The hassles, the timing and the frustrations.

Arranging for movers, sorting, packing finding a new home, turning our utilities on and off… well you know the drill.


It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Find out how to have a great experience at:

Okay, any moving experience is memorable in that you’ll never forget it!
I’d say that not too many people equate moving to a “positive” experience.
There are many r

easons why people move from one location to another.  Leaving home for the first time, accepting a job transfer, getting married or divorced for that matter.  The reasons are as varied as the people who perpetuate them.

It’s probably a pretty good bet that there are few folks who have positive memories.  In fact, many of us equate moving as an unpleasant activity akin to having a tooth pulled!

No matter what the reason, however, there comes a time when most of us have to jump in and see how the water feels.  I’m here to tell you that you CAN make your move a pleasant, memorable experience.
Okay, so how do we pull that off?

Well, the answer is so straightforward that we think it is too simplistic.  That’s because it is!  Planning.  Let’s repeat that. . .planning.  I’m reminded of a saying I heard a long time ago.  So long that I can’t recall the circumstances.  But  it went something like this:

“Proper planning prevents pitiful poor performance.”


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