Steal Wisdom From Ancient Greeks! – Making the Most of Mind Maps

Yes, Socrates’ friends used the same popular method that many people are discovering in our modern age.

About 60 percent of us human “beans” are visual learners. Not to leave out the additional 40 percent whose primary learning uses a different modality.

The fact is that the more senses we can involve in the learning process, the higher the rate of retention. Using this modern method to achieve goals and plan the future is proven as a particularly powerful tool.

Discover how you too can capture the power of the ancients to turbo charge your own life experiences.


Have you ever been here?

Hands shaking, Joe mops his face with an already saturated handkerchief. Just as fast as he swipes the sweat away, his forehead is gushing again like Niagara Falls. 

He stares at his empty cup and considers yet another dose of coffee.  No, he decides, his hands are already shaking like a drug user in withdrawal.  It shouldn’t be this difficult, he thinks as he attempts to reason with his already overloaded brain.

Glancing at the clock, he sees the second hand relentlessly ticking off seconds and realizes another hour has passed him by and he’s no closer to a solution.  Fear has immobilized him.  And, this fear is threatening to ruin his life.

If he can’t pull this presentation together and do it fast, he is in serious danger of losing his job.

Meanwhile, miles away, Sally struggles with the words in front of her.  They all seems to blend together and jump off the page as if they were gremlins attacking her. 

The harder she struggles, the more difficult it is to concentrate.  She knows that this is the last opportunity to save her grade and is in serious trouble if she can’t pull off this project.

Kathy, on the other hand, is trying to plan an important dinner party for her husband.  All the corporate bigwigs are attending, including his boss.  Her husband is up for a lucrative promotion that will give their family a lifestyle bump, the likes of which they have never seen before.

It all hinges on how well Kathy can showcase her husband in the best light.  She absolutely must present their family and home in the most advantageous way possible.

Okay, that’s enough. By now, you’ve gathered that our three friends are each facing a serious challenge.  Their stories are different but no less important to each of them.

Joe has a project to complete for his boss.

Sally is desperate to save her grade.

Kathy needs to plan a very important dinner party.

Would you believe that there is a simple solution to all three problems and the solution is the same for each?



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