Attn: Gardeners!

Learn how you can help prevent a global gardening crisis and reap great rewards in the process.

Learn more at:       19010619-bees in your garden


Before you know it the growing season will be here once again.

If you are an avid gardener here’s something that might appeal to you.

It’s a well-know fact that globally the bee population has been seriously decimated.

While there are many schools of thought about the cause, the results are the same. There are just not as many of these creatures as there used to be.

In fact, it is fast approaching critical mass. Touting the benefits of keeping bees isn’t even a question.

Lack of pollination, however,
is an end result that no one wants
to consider.

If you are a gardener you may want to give some thought about how you can personally contribute.
Adding a couple of hives to your garden can help this global crisis!

Plus, you will reap huge health benefits for yourself as well!

Learn more about it at:


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