About Your Journal . . .

What? You don’t have one?
Well, that’s so

ngs. mething you may like to rectify. Find out how at:

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What? You don’t have one? Well, that’s something you may like to rectify.

Life experiences have a way of getting blurred over time.
If you don’t believe it, justthink back on some of your

own happeni

What did you wear to your high school or college when you graduated?

What color was your first car?

Who were your co-workers at your first job and what were their names?

See how easy it is to let time slip by without any concrete evidence of what e were doing and what we were feeling back when?

The answer to this dilema is . . . wait for it . . . a journal. But, not just any  journal. A record that will instantly transform you back to prior events with all the emotion experienced then embedded in your memory.

How can you do that?

Glad you asked. Take a look here:


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