What Defines a Creative Toy?

A truly creative toy will last for many years and call for your child to come play with it… maybe even invite their friends to join in on the fun as well! A creative toy engages the kid s emotions, creativity, ability to solve the equations and the right creative toy will give the child a sense of self worth. After playing with the creative toy the child will fill accomplished and satisfied. Creative toys are hard to find! There are a lot of toys on the market with literally thousands being introduced each year! If parents push for the perfect creative toy they will see not only the difference in the child s playtime they will also see a difference in their child s attitude toward accomplishments!

A truly creative toy engages and doesn t grow old. It allows for different configurations and continually offers the one playing with the toy to get something productive out of the experience!

Over the last decade you have witnessed a major change in the toy industry. From large companies to small companies trying to make quick profits and the press has had a hay day with the mistakes! After all with kids being the future of the world the subject must be taken very seriously! What honestly defines a creative toy? Many large toy companies have asked this quality question over and over to make better selling more profitable toys. The fact is the classic toys don t compete in today s world because of new and faster technology exists. Kids are now more creative than ever… they lose interest in toys that do not define uniqueness to the child s ability to reuse the toys in other creative ways. Simply put… as our world evolves so do the toys our kids play with!

With ADD and ADHD symptoms like these weren t discussed in the 80 s… with kid s attention span being shorter toy companies are quite challenged with making a toy not only profitable and safe but also with the ability to continually be used by the child over and over without the child losing interest! Remember the Rubik s cube? A toy that once purchased gave you a dilemma that continually challenged your ability to fix it again and again. You even got to the point where you timed yourself in the challenge.

Construction toy sets are very helpful with creativity as well challenging the child s ability to construct the model or build variations of the model. However once the child has built the model how many more times will they play with toy building sets? A quality construction toy set that at least hits three of the five human senses maybe the answer parents are looking for when choosing the right toy for their child!

Most parents I believe when choosing the right toy are really searching for the quick fix… meaning they know the child needs something to occupy their time and over look the fact the child may get bored with the toy after several uses maybe even after the first use! I don t think the parent recognizes so much the creativeness of the toy as much as will this occupy my child, will he enjoy it for the time he plays with it and is the pricing correct for the perception of the product?

Price is important specifically into day s environment however more importantly what is exactly the toy offering to your child during play time. Smiles and happiness is great but for how long will the child feel this way?

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