The Simple Way to Lose Weight

If you were to boil weight loss down into its simplest possible parts, then the main take home point would still be to eat less and to specifically eat less of the bad stuff. What counts as bad stuff? Simple carbs, which just so happens to be most of the empty calories as well.
In other words, if you eliminated processed foods like sausage roles and pork scratchings, along with all the sweets and treats like crisps, chips, chocolate, cake and candy… then you would be able to enjoy a diet with far fewer calories immediately and you would at the same time not be losing anything important from your food intake. This is not rocket science, it’s pretty straightforward!

While you’re at it,make sure you get rid of any excessive sauces – so that means squirting large amounts of mayonnaise onto your food – and certainly sugary drinks. Did you know that a glass of Coke has as much sugar as eating two Cadburies Cream Eggs!
So remove the bad stuff and where possible, just replace with a vegetable like a carrot or a fruit like a banana.
In fact, make a conscious effort to make sure that you are getting more nutrients. That guideline about fruit and vegetable? Follow it! This doesn’t have to be complicated or a slow process – it can be as simple as ordering a smoothie from Starbucks in the morning instead of a capuccino (which is also filled with sugar FYI!).

Even if it just means taking a vitamin tablet, this is one of the most important points I want to ram home. Once you start getting more nutrients in your diet, you will start to feel more energetic, more lively and much more positive.
We’re in a vicious cycle right now where stress and a modern diet has made it increasingly difficult to get out of our rut and take back control. You can’t force your way out of this kind of lifestyle with sheer force, you need a quick and easy win. Getting more nutrients is that win. Trust me, you start getting more vitamin C and D in your diet and you’ll regain that spring in your step that will then help to motivate you toward all the other things you need to do.

Wonderful Weight

Simple Tracking

This has immediately improved your health so that you feel more energetic and will be consuming fewer calories. But if you’re in the process of swapping out unhealthy foods for healthy ones, it’s still possible that you might be consuming too many calories.
Just because something is healthy, that doesn’t mean it can’t also be calorific! And just because something is healthy, that doesn’t mean it can’t make you fat.

The perfect example is the avocado. This is absolutely packed with goodness and is a great healthy fat that will slowly release sugar throughout the day. This is the ideal breakfast food instead of a sugary cereal that will spike your blood and destroy your fasted state.
The problem? Avocados are also quite high in calories. This is why it can still be a good idea to track your calories a little to get an idea of what is going in and out. But we’re going to do it in a way that is much more easy going and something you’re more likely to stick with.

The idea is simple: you will calculate the amount of calories you consume over a few average days and the amount you burn over a few average days. Now you know a rough target and you will have an idea of what some of the ‘staples’ in your diet do to your calorie total.
This is when my wife and I stopped buying a tasty shop-bought pizza after realizing it was well in excess of 1K calories each!
Now you’ll have more of a ‘feeling’ for when you’re getting close to your threshold and you’ll know which healthy alternatives you can snack on to tide you over.

Ride the Tide

Better yet? Make your meals consistent.
If you make your meals consistent, then you can know precisely how many calories are in it (as near as possible at least) and you won’t need to constantly scan and calculate. Didn’t I just say how a program that’s too rigid is folly though? Well yes, but you see this is where the clever part of this diet comes in.

The idea is that for the first two meals of the day you are going to eat in a manner that is entirely predictable. If you do switch your lunch-time dessert, then it will be something that is pre-approved, which won’t spike your blood sugar and which isn’t too high in calories. The aim is to keep these meals very clean, very nutritious and very low in calories. They should also be things that satisfy you though and things that you can easily acquire and prepare. If that means buying from a salad bar or similar… then so be it!


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