Sugar and Spice. . . – Your Guide to Kids’ Safety


…and everything nice. Plus Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails.

When we became parents or caregivers for children, this was a good mantra.

Back then we had little to be concerned about when it came to keeping our children
healthy and safe.

Unfortunately, that just isn’t possible today. The world has become a scary place for kids. Growing up in the world today is like running an obstacle course with nothing to arm us with.

Even playing in our own yards presents potential danger. Never mind about
the mine fields on the Internet!

Pedophiles are lurking everywhere. Predators
who would do extreme harm if allowed near your kids.

Without all of that there are genuine possibilities for accidents and other
hazards that we need to be concerned with.

Discover how to identify and cope with the real dangers that face our kids

I’ll bet there are things that you haven’t though about. Learn about them
and more here:

Do you have children? Or perhaps you have grandkids or nieces and nephews. Raising, teaching and mentoring children is one of the greatest gifts afforded to parents or mentors.
We do our best to keep our children safe and healthy throughout their formative years. Maybe you are old enough to remember the years when children were allowed to just be kids.
We stayed outdoors until dark and the worst thing to happen was being late to dinner. We took off each Saturday and headed for the weekly matinee. We walked everywhere unaccompanied without a care in the world.
We never worried about “stranger danger” and weren’t concerned with walking home alone from school or play. We lived in neighborhoods where everyone knew us and every house on the block was a safe haven.
Sadly, with each passing year it seems like the danger to children multiplies. Watching the evening news we learn that just around the corner is another potential tragedy. We have pedophiles in almost every neighborhood.
Even our schools are no longer the bastion of safety that they used to be. In fact, there are possible risks that we probably haven’t even considered. It’s difficult enough to guard against known sources but what about the things we haven’t even considered?
Fortunately for you, there is a solution and you are just minutes away from it.


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