Outdoor Safety 101

Keeping the kids inside when the weather is warm outside is much easier said than done, but with so many dangers lurking far and near, many parents are hesitant to let their little ones enjoy the wonders of summer as freely as perhaps they did as children. The dangers that lurk outdoors for children are very much realistic in today’s day in age. It seems that kids aren’t safe playing with toys, from predators and bullies, and even from poisonous bugs and insects or plants.

Rather than take away the enjoyment of being a child, take outdoor safety into your hands. There is a multitude of ways to keep your child safe while they play outdoors. The most important tip to remember as a parent is that your children are full of energy. No matter how much your back aches or legs hurt, they’re ready to go, go, go and go some more! It is imperative that you’re aware of the energy level that your child has and that you’re always with a watchful eye.

Kids are curious, sneaky and quick and in the blink of an eye can be in immediate danger before you even realize what’s happened.


Kids love the warm days just as much as those when snow fills the ground. Each of these days put significant risks on your child’s well-being, thanks to the extreme temperatures. But, it is possible for your little ones to enjoy the great outdoors no matter what the season as long as you are prepared.

    • Minimize the amount of time your child spends outside during peak hours (generally 2 p.m. until 4 p.m.)


    • Sunscreen is valuable in more ways than one. Apply it numerous times throughout the day, even during the winter.


    • During cold weathers, wearing two or three layers is best since your child can unwrap as they become warm.


    • During the summer, dress your child in light, breathable clothing.


    • During the summer, hydration is of great importance. Ensure that your child drinks as much water as possible when it is hot outside.

Playground Safety

Parents oftentimes assume that playgrounds are safe for their kids, but this isn’t always the case. Before you allow your child to swing on the monkey bars or take that trip down the slide, make sure that there is no damage to the equipment that might cause concern. Along with safe equipment, teach your child how to play safely on the playground. Pushing, shoving, and other horseplay is a big no-no when on the playground and your child should know that such behavior will not be tolerated.

Swimming Pool Safety

There is no activity that brings more pleasure to a child during the summer than swimming. Whether you have a pool in the backyard to accommodate their needs for water or hit the nearest public pool or lake, it is imperative that you and your children are both aware of the dangers of water and treat it with respect! If you have a swimming pool at home, nothing is more important than placing a security gate around the fence.

In seconds a small child can drown inside of a pool, even before you know what has happened. A locked gate can prevent this tragedy and keep you and everyone in the family safe and secure. It is imperative that you set and enforce rules for swimming, whether at-home or away at another location. If your child doesn’t obey the swimming rules, enforce the penalties as quickly as possible so that you might be able to prevent the same event from occurring in the future.

No matter where your children are swimming, proper supervision at all times is imperative to keeping them safe. As mentioned, it takes only seconds for your child to drown and even that moment that you look away to grab the telephone can prove tragic. Your child must be supervised and proper attention given any time they are near water.
Don’t go to the water without the proper safety equipment in hand.

You need life jackets, floats, goggles, and many other safety items at the pool any time that you decide to spend the day in the water. These devices have proven to save lives, so do not visit the water without them in place. Are you CPR certified? Knowing how to respond in the event of a water emergency can make a world of difference in the outcome of the event.

Anyone can learn the life-saving techniques offered in CPR. Make sure that you are one of those who receive the training because you never know when it could save the life of someone so close to you. Even the most experienced of swimmers can succumb to strong waters and tides. Don’t think that your child have the swimming knowledge to escape any dangers. Take every possible precaution to safely enjoy the swimming pool all summer long! Visit the American Red Cross website for additional tips and information on swimming pool safety for children of all ages.

Stranger Danger

By now your children should understand the importance of being aware of their surroundings and the people around them as well as how to spot unusual things that could signal trouble.

    • Your child should understand how to identify a stranger, know his telephone number and address, and be able to call 9-1-1.


    • Your child should also understand that there are dangers out there. Leaving your child in a sugar-coated world is very dangerous.
      The buddy system works! Ensure that your child never goes anywhere alone.


    • Taking a friend along always reduces the danger that your child will face because two (or more) kids are more dangerous than one.
      Tell your child that it is important to trust their instincts if they think they are being followed. If something just doesn’t feel right, there is probably a good reason and your child should know to cause a scene, go inside of a building with trusted adults, and other ways to handle such a situation.


    • Teach your child the importance of not wandering off. It is easy to get lost and there are so many dangers out there that exist for a child on their own.

Teach your child how to look out for suspicious vehicles. A suspicious vehicle is one that is driving too closely or slowly, one that is trying to make contact with the kids, or one that is otherwise acting in a suspicious manner.
If someone attempts to grab your child, telling them to fight back (as long as a weapon isn’t involved) is always ideal.

Hitting, kicking and screaming, biting, falling to the ground, and scratching may cause a predator to escape due to fear of someone hearing the commotion. Always keep a watchful eye on your child! It is amazing what can happen in a matter of seconds. You should never take your eyes off of your child because that split second could be so very
costly and detrimental!

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