Master Resell Rights – 无限制转售许可权

What is Master Resell Rights ?

Master Resell Rights
无 限制 转售许可权

You can not only get FREE Resell License which allows you to sell our eBooks to as many other people as possible, but also you can set your own price and sell Resell License of our eBook to as many other customers as possible and keep all the money. Then your customers can also sell our eBooks and Resell License of eBook to as many other people as possible. This is called multi-level viral marketing.
首 先,你 可以得到免费转售许可证书,准许你销售我们 的电子 书给任何其他人,并且你也可以为我们的电子 书定价,所有的利润自己所有。然后你的客户也可以把我们的电子书和免费转售许可证书卖给任何其他人自 己定价, 所有的利润都归自己所有。这 就是多层次病毒式营销。

FREE Resell License
免 费转售许 可证 书

FREE Resell License allows you to sell our eBooks to as many other people as possible, but also you can set your own price of our eBook and keep all the money.
免费转售许可证书准许你销售我们的电子书给任何其他人,并且你也可以为我们 的电子书定价,所有的利润自己所有。

个人权:你可以将电子书存放在自己的计算机商, 或者复制一份仅 为个人 所用。但你决不能将其销售或送给他人。

转售权:你可以销售电子书并且获得销售款。你的 购买者只能获得 个人 权。

高级转售权:你可以销售电子书并且获得销售款。你可以向你的 购买者提 供不同的权利,即个人权,转售权或者高级转售权。你可以查看你得到的电子书的许 可

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