How Belly Fat Makes Everything Worse

Of course we all know that belly fat can ruin your confidence. Having a gut is simply not attractive whether you’re a male or female and it’s something that is going to make you feel a whole lot worse about yourself as a result. Having a gut doesn’t just get rid of any chance you might have stood of having a six pack, it also ensures that you look like a stuffed potato whatever clothes you wear.

It’s immensely hard to put on a great shirt or dress and to leave the house feeling like a million bucks when you have a massive gut hanging out. More than that though, a gut signals generally poor health. This suggests that you are less active and what normally goes along with that is a general lack of tone and definition that can be seen everywhere from your arms to your face.

Women: do you remember when you used to feel light, petit and strong? Like a toned and honed Amazonian ready for business and enjoying all the stares coming your way?

Guys: do you remember what it felt to have a dominating presence in the room? To look slightly like an athlete in your clothes and to have the look of a predator? To be an alpha male and to look fantastic in nearly every outfit you wore?
Having a gut changes your posture too. It forces you into a more forward position that slumps your shoulders forward and closes off your chest. This is a submissive stance that sends a loud signal to others that you aren’t confident and that you don’t need to be taken seriously! Women meanwhile can expect to look frumpy and tired.

Having a gut transforms you from the bottom up and brings you screaming into middle age. It suggests that you’ve stopped trying and affects your very body language – which of course has a deep psychological impact.
Then there are the direct results of getting into better shape. Of course your sex life will improve and I’m not just talking about for single people. Obviously picking up women/men becomes much easier when you look healthy and sexy but you’ll also find your relationship improves.

How would you feel about your partner if they become more toned and sexy? Or if they gained lots of weight quickly conversely?And then there’s the way that a belly can impact on your libido – or lack thereof. If you’re not having sex, then losing the gut might be the answer. And guess what?

Getting into lean shape can improve your salary too. Studies show that employers are more likely to employ or promote people who are in better physical shape! On average men and women who are more toned earn hire salaries!And that’s before we have even touched on the direct psychological consequences of carrying a belly around. Because as soon as you grow that gut, you’re going to start producing significantly more stress hormones such as cortisol which will increase depression and rob you of energy.

Of course, that gut drastically increases your likelihood of developing a number of different conditions as well. This also creates something of a vicious circle – the increase in cortisol and in stress increases your likelihood of gaining more weight and encourages stress eating. Not only that, but it also makes you significantly less energetic and makes it harder for you to engage in healthy activities such as exercise. In other words, having a belly makes it much harder to get rid of a belly. And that’s before you take into account the fact that you’re now moving around with a large tub of lard attached to your gut. Let’s face it – you are not in your prime and athletic activities probably aren’t your strong suit right now. But imagine if they were…

And that’s what we’re going to start fixing in this book. I haven’t even touched on all the ways that belly fat can lead to depression, further weight gain, low self-esteem and even serious health conditions. If none of these other reasons is going to provide enough motivation then simply consider that a belly will increase your likelihood of cancer, diabetes, stroke, heart disease and more.
So yes, this really is the one thing that you can do to change your entire life. If you look after your body, it looks after you. And now we’re going to see how you can make that positive change happen.

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