Get Ready For Online Holiday Sales: Cyber Monday is nearly here!

Cyber Monday is quickly approaching, and it’s safe to say that 2017 is going to be another groundbreaking year for eCommerce store owners.

There’s just one small question you should be asking yourself (as an eCommerce store owner): “Am I ready for Cyber Monday?”

If you don’t feel completely prepared, don’t worry! The truth is, most eCommerce businesses can never totally prepare for the tidal wave that washes over us during the holidays.

That’s where we come in! Let’s talk about how you can better prepare yourself for Cyber Monday, in just a few short days.

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly

This may in fact be the most crucial part for your eCommerce store on Cyber Monday.

Considering the fact that last year 48% of Cyber Monday’s profits came from mobile users, it’s safe to say that you need to up your mobile-friendly game.

In order to figure out if your website is mobile-friendly, you can use this tool (provided by Google).

If your website is not mobile-friendly, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are your clickable elements easily tappable?
  • Are your images still crisp?
  • Are your pop-up buttons optimized for small/touch screen devices?

If you answered “No” to any of these questions, we suggest fixing these issues. Check out this article from RetailNext to see what else you can do to make your site mobile-friendly!

After your website is 100% mobile friendly, you can move on to the next crucial step…

Figure out your Cyber Monday deals

After all, you can’t go into Cyber Monday without knowing what deals you’re going to offer your customers!

Some of the top selling items of 2017 were:

  1. Wood frame sunglasses
  2. Waterproof phone cases
  3. Bluetooth speakers
  4. Coconut oil
  5. Phone power banks
  6. 3D printers
  7. Drones
  8. Fitness trackers
  9. E-cigarettes
  10. Leggings

If you offer one or more items from the list above, put a deal on it. It’s also a good idea to polish your deal off with free shipping.

As you can see from the image above, 83-88% of customers are more inclined to buy an item if it comes with free shipping.

If you can’t bring yourself to give your customers an awesome deal and free shipping, we suggest going with the next best thing: one-day shipping.

After you’ve found your highest-selling items, it’s time to…

Showcase deals on social channels

Creating a solid ad for your Cyber Monday deals is crucial for both you and your customers. Here’s the best part: there are tons of ways to broadcast your deals!

The first and most obvious way to showcase your Cyber Monday deals is through social media marketing.

Carters created a fun ad letting their customers know that they could save 25% off of their entire order with a unique code.

While social media marketing ads are the most popular (and sometimes, most effective) choice, you can also broadcast your deals by:

  • Email marketing
  • Blog/Forum Marketing
  • PPC Marketing

Whichever route you decide to take, be sure to let your customers know this is a one day only sale.

Using scarcity like this will light a fire under their butt and make ‘em buy! To learn more about marketing your ads, check out this article.

Final tips to get ready for Cyber Monday

With those crucial steps out of the way, you may be wondering what else needs to be done to ensure you’re ready for one of the most popular shopping days of the year.

Here are two more minor changes that’ll help boost your sales:

  • Optimize your “deal” products. Add the words “Limited time,” “In High Demand,” and “Best Selling” to your product descriptions. This will instill urgency to your customers and leave them thinking “Oh, crap! I should get this before it’s completely sold out!”
  • Optimize your checkout process. Do you allow PayPal as a form of payment on your website right now? If not, we highly suggest you add it for Cyber Monday. With more payment options, you’re giving your customers more opportunities to give you their money.

Now you have all the quick tips you need to optimize your store like the last minute person you are! Good luck on Cyber Monday…

And happy shopping!

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