An Overview Of The Methods To Learn Russian

It takes a lot of hard work and determination to learn a language, but it is not impossible. Keeping yourself motivated and interested will do wonders when attempting to learn Russian. Follow these tips in order to best prepare yourself to learn a new language in the most efficient ways possible.

The first step you should take on your road to learning Russian is enrolling in a course. In an elementary Russian course you will have a chance to learn the Russian alphabet. This step is imperative because in order to progress, you need to have the basic skills to write and read. If there are no classes available to you, you can use online resources or language books on tape.

Once you start learning the alphabet and a few simple words and phrases, you can start combining these to learn more conversational skills. Consider purchasing a Russian to English dictionary for quick translations when you get stuck.

Flashcards are one of the most helpful resources when learning a new language like Russian. You can write English words and phrases on one side and Russian on the other. Test yourself on vocabulary you have been studying. Make sure you say the words and phrases aloud so you will remember the pronunciation through repetition.

Russian is a slightly less accessible language than French or Spanish when it comes to finding reading material. Fortunately for you, there are countless web-based resources such as Russian blogs or articles. Try to read a Russian blog or magazine on a daily basis. You may struggle through understanding the article, looking up every word in the dictionary, but you will eventually improve.

Learning a language with a friend can be a great resource. You can get together with your friend on a weekly or biweekly basis to discuss new things you have learned in Russian. In between your meetings you should listen to CDs or books on tape. When you meet up you can discuss what you both learned from the reading material.

Once you have studied a bit of Russian, you should reward yourself by traveling to Russia. Even just a few weeks in Russia will help you tremendously in your language skills. However, traveling is expensive and not everybody has the money to finance this type of adventure.

If you are looking to make money instead of spend money while learning Russian, offer up a room in your home for a Russian exchange student. Many colleges and high schools offer exchange programs and are looking for families in the community to host them. Although your exchange student probably wants to learn English, they will love having someone to speak their native language with.

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