101 Facts About the Human Body

Discover 101 Facts About the Human Body

If you are a parent, a grandparent or just plain curious about your body, you must read on then zoom to the download page immediately! What a way to get the answers to the questions you’ve always wondered about.

Did you know that children have more bones than adults?  Does that mean that bones just disappear when reaching adulthood?  What a mystery!

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  • What determines the sex of a person?

  • Is the right side of our body bigger than the left side?

  • Can people get shorter in the evenings?

We all have questions about our bodies.  Children especially are naturally curious and ask questions we are often not prepared to answer.  Sometimes we grasp at straws trying to come up with answers that are easy for a child to understand.

And that’s when we even KNOW the answer. More frequent than not, we have no idea what the answers are and dismiss the questions as unimportant.

Our children deserve better. It would be pretty ridiculous to believe we all need medical training just to answer questions from our children. However, there is good news.

For all of you who have ever wondered why we get “goose bumps” or which of your five fingers is the most important, we give you “101 Facts About the Human Body!”

Armed with this guide you are prepared to answer those difficult questions. Plus, you’ll be impressed with the simple illustrations for the more difficult descriptions.

Never again be at a loss for words when you must have an accurate answer to any sensitive question about our body.

“101 Facts About the Human Body” is guaranteed to answer those hard questions.  Not just because it will help you respond to your children, but there are a multitude of questions that will satisfy your curiosity as well.

So, what are you waiting for?  Get your copy now!


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