Your Child’s Development – Nurturing Creative Children

Is your child living up to his or her creative potential?

Do you feel like a tyrant who constantly berates his child for better grades?

Did your child fill all of your expectations until he or she started school?

Chances are that you fall somewhere in between any of those questions.

Don’t feel badly. Most of us think that pressuring our kids to do better in school and strive for their academic excellence is part of our job as parent.

Academic success IS important. But neglecting creativity can put the brakes on a child’s creativity as well.

By nurturing creativity the rest of the elements will fall into place.

Easier said than done?

Well, we have just the tool for you. Find out more at:

Every child is a creative being. The challenge we have as parents, teachers and caregivers is to tap that creativity and maximize a child’s potential.

This is no small responsibility. The closer we come to nurturing that creativity in our children the greater the potential for raising a global network of happy adults.

Once children reach the age where they are launched into the world via public education they are suddenly burdened with the pressure to succeed.

Parents and teachers alike turn their focus on getting good grades rather than succeeding as a human being. This focus on academic excellence is extremely damaging to children.

Of course, academics are important. But not important enough to bring tremendous pressure to bear on our children. Especially when the cost affects the goal of happy, well-rounded kids.

Parents would never intentionally apply harmful behaviors upon their children. Usually the parent is following the mold begun by his or her own parents, thereby creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Is academic success the most important element to a child’s development? Or, is it better to expose children to an environment where children are allowed to play and explore the world around them?

How can you introduce the element of creativity to your child-rearing process? Glad you asked. “Nurturing Creative Children” is the perfect guide to helping you identify and develop creativity in your child.


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