Out of Work? – The New Resume Guide


Need a job?

Sadly, you are in good company. The number of unemployed workers just continues to spiral out of control.

The NEW Résumés Guide –

There doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. Isn’t it time you gave some thought to updating your resume?

If you are still using the format your Dad, or even your Grandfather, used you are in serious trouble.

If you look at your resume as an advertise-ment, based on today’s market, would you hire yourse


Pretty scary when you look at it like that.

Listen, if you are using old, outdated methods to “spread the word” you are

definitely fighting a losing battle.

If your resume doesn’t hook the reviewer, they’ll go straight to the next one in the electronic stack they still have to check.

You lost this oppo

rtunity to get an interview or any kind of follow-up.

You can change this pattern.

Find out how at:

Please allow me to introduce you to Harry.  Harry is in his early thirties, married and a new father.  Sadly, he was laid off from his job and faces the enormous hurdle of finding himself a new one soon.

Like thousands of others, Harry has been tossed into the bottomless pit of unemployment through no fault of his own.  He’s just another casualty of the floundering economy.

And, like those thousands of other casualties, he is depending on his resume to get his foot in the door at a new company.  He follows the same path the masses are trudging along.

He is sending out cookie cutter resumes by the hundreds, hoping to snag an appointment with a potential employer. He is smart enough to know that the resume won’t get him a job but he is banking on it getting him an appointment.

The problem is that Harry’s resume is “cookie cutter.”  It looks and sounds just like a resume his father might have sent out thirty or forty years ago.  Unfortunately, that format just doesn’t work anymore.


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