Are You Afraid? – Practical Ways To Conquer Fear

If so, just what are you afraid of?

Are you afraid of failure?
Are you afraid of rejection?
Are you afraid of pain?

If you know that you are afraid, you’ve won half the battle.

Do you have any idea how many people go through life not understanding that their lack of success boils down to nothing more than a fear of something?

That’s a pretty sad fact, but it’s true!

If you recognize any fear or lack of success in your own life, then you owe it to not only yourself but the people who depend on you to get some answers!

And, you need to get those answers sooner rather than later!

Don’t let a life of success and happiness pass you by just because you are riveted by fear.

You can change. You can do it without spending thousands of dollars on shrinks who string you along with visit after visit.

Want to find out how?

Visit this page:

The purpose of this book is to normalize and provide information, techniques and strategies for the reader to handle his/her fears through understanding that living with our fears does more harm; how avoiding disappointment keeps an individual from reaching his/her dreams; and how continuous thinking about negative situations keep and individual stuck in fear.

The first chapter discusses the factors which have contributed to an epidemic of fear. Fear is not only normal, it is encouraged through our news broadcasts, newspapers and radio reports. The various degree of fear and its impact on human function is pointed out in this chapter and the author discusses the pitfalls of multitasking. It is in this chapter the reader will find information on how fear impacts human body function through the production of adrenalin and what physic logical signs are present in an heighten state of fear.


Next is a section on building your confidence through preparing properly and giving due consideration to each possible outcome of any given action; the importance of building on successes; the role and importance of imagery; and identifying people to provide feedback on the action plan.

Another strategy mentioned in the next section, is talk yourself up and not down. The author points out how negative self talk becomes a barrier to achieving the action plan; destroys self confidence; while increasing fear. The author list techniques to combat negative self talk through: recommendations to self; reprogramming the subconscious; becoming a P.R. person for yourself; and encouraging good responses from others.

This section is followed by a chapter on how to read social cues and develop affective strategies to start conversations in social and professional situations. There is a list of “does and don’ts” to guide the reader to a successful outcome and comfortably with social situations.

The next chapter discusses ways to develop a social network and how to make it work for you. Strategies such as: how to identify and attack positive people; importance of networking face to face; how to use the internet to network; ways to be positive and strive for accuracy; the importance of avoiding arguments; and build support through emails.


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