Can You Do It?

Dear Reader,

Did you complete your “Do List” for today?  Can you set realistic goals and complete them?  Or, do you suffer from chronic procrastination? Do you find yourself dumping projects before they are even finished?

Don’t beat yourself up too much.  Most people are pretty much in the same boat.  Much of it is due to time constraints.  In today’s fast-paced environment we feel like the “push me pull me” creature from Dr. Seuss.

Stop and think about the people in your world.  We all have friends and/or acquaintances who seem to have tons of energy and hours and hours of extra time.  Or do they?

Those people seem to have time and energy to volunteer for charity work and take on extra projects no one else can do.  They appear to accomplish much more than most of us in the same amount of time.

Is there a secret?

There must be some kind of magic fountain that these folks dip into and drink from, right?  Something special that the rest of us just don’t seem to capture, so we fail to measure up to the same accomplishments.

They must have been born with a silver spoon, right?  Or, maybe they come from an affluent background?  Maybe they hire out someone to handle their regular tasks or they have a boss who cuts them some generous slack.

Honestly, it would be so much easier for all of us to grasp if only the above were true.  That way we could all aspire to greater riches and more generous employment.

So how is it that some people are “haves” while others are “have nots.” What do they know or do that is so different from their peers?  Want to know the real secret?

Retrain your brain!

I know.  You were hoping for some deep esoteric or metaphysical answer, weren’t you?  Sorry to disappoint.  Aw, come on!  While it’s not some deep dark secret, it is doable for anyone.  Even a regular Joe like you and me.

There is good news, however.

Ask yourself these three questions:

  1. What if there is a way I can have less stress?
  2. What if  I was able to make new, successful habits?
  3. What if there is a way to have more and be more?

Well, there is a way and it’s not as difficult as you may think.  You can actually get started doing just that, using our guide, Use Your Brain Better!”

Everything you need to help you is in there.  You CAN do this. The very fact that a regular guy just like us has been able to achieve his own success tells you that you can do it too.  Take a look at what you’ll learn:

Learn how to identify reasons you CAN.
Find out how to learn by teaching.
Discover why water, sleep  and exercise are so important.
How to employ self talk.
Give yourself permission to be more creative.

and some of the best parts are . . . 

  • It isn’t written by a self-help guru. It’s very easy to read.
  • It doesn’t require much time to discover what is preventing your success.
  • Cost of the guide is minimal – you’ll laugh at the price!

Can you use your brain better creating less stress and more success?

Use Your Brain Better –

Well, can you?

Retrain your brain, that is.

Wait, before you go off clicking away thinking this is some “woo woo” message about connecting with your inner child, read on.

Now, all of us have heard about not using the full potential of our brain, right?

Without quoting a full university class outline let’s just say that we accept that premise.

The bottom line is this, using your brain better creates less stress and more success.

And, if you want to learn how, click this link:


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