De-Clutter Today! – Organize your Life – Find Your Missing Piece

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If your life is one endless stream of chaos it’s a good bet that you are living in a state of disorganization.

A lack of proper organization is a killer.

It kills initiative. It kills motivation. And it promotes stress.

If stress has you immobilized there’s a good chance that lack of organization is a contributor.

If you are buried in clutter you can’t possibly function in a productive manner.

No matter who you are or what your situation someaspect of your life needs organization.

It’s darned near impossible in the hectic world we live in to have every area of our lives perfect.

Lucky you! You’re in the right place at the right time. You now have an opportunity to learn how to organize every area of your life!

Sounds like a pretty bold statement, doesn’t it? Well it’s true.

Find out how at:


The following section on goals and strategies looks at increasing your awareness of what motivates you in order to assist and promote discipline. This section identifies what makes goal setting a daunting task; provides tips to effective use of your time; how to use these techniques at home, work, and in your exercise routine. It assists the reader in identifying resources you have on hand, such as making a map of what needs to be done; how to keep yourself focused, and ways to reward yourself for following though and complete a task.

The book is a start to finish how to guide on organizing your home and keeping it that way. The reader will learn what tools are necessary to do the job; how to handled the challenges which will arise; change the way you think in order to maintain the your organization once you have achieved; and provide strategies to complete the project. The outcome of an organized home and life will be an improved life style.
What is the importance of being organized, one might ask? It saves time and time is very precious these days; it saves money and in today’s economy that is a plus; it saves energy, both human as well as electrical and gas; it saves on brainpower and frees up the mind to be more creative; and the big wow factor it gets you more for yourself in time and money. Who can do this, just anyone? Yes, anyone who has a genuine desire to make a positive change.
Section three focuses on where to start. There are tips at how to adjust your thinking so you can promote change, which include breaking the task into series of smaller steps, how to mentally prepare yourself for the task; strategies to promote your motivation; to maintain discipline and avoid procrastination; and most importantly strategies on how to turn words into actions. The author even provides a motto for the reader to spur you on.

Getting the family onboard is the topic of the next section. This section presents ideas on how to motivate family members and how getting organized will benefit them; how to make it fun for everyone; the importance of leading by example; the importance of everything in its place; how to proceed to encourage participation; the importance of keeping your promises to your family and yourself.
Establishing the home routine looks at the importance of dressing smartly for the task; the role and importance of making your bed and cleaning the kitchen sink; and the various benefits to you and your family members. There are several suggestions and strategies for each included in this section.
Next the author has the reader assess and identify your space limitations. Several suggestion are discussed: efficient storage; the importance of lighting your load; how to take home organization to the next level, example is provided; how to determine the destination for household items; how to decide the place for one of a kind oddities; and the importance of a plan for maintenance. The follow up section is how to take advantage of those little moments and how to get the best of those moments.


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