Dear Seeker,
Do you find yourself putting off important tasks? Do you avoid meetings and other face-to-face encounters? Do you feel like you are under constant pressure to succeed but are falling short of your expectations?
There may be some deep underlying psychological basis for your feelings. However, before you embark on a lengthy, expensive journey of counseling and treatment, you might want to examine your feelings more closely.
There’s a good possibility you merely lack motivation. Now, please don’t think we are making light of your circumstances. But it might do well to consider other avenues. Lack of motivation is a powerful deterrent to success.
You might be surprised to learn that there are steps you can take to pinpoint whether this is a problem. Not only can you investigate your motivation and/or lack of it but also discover a plan to reverse the effects.
How can do you it?
The first step is to realize that you have a problem. The truth is that many people identify success and failure as “external” circumstances and have no idea that the real root of their problem is a lack of motivation.
The second step is to understand that eliminating stress in their lives is the only road to success. Not true. Some stress can help boost motivation.
The truth is that realizing that we have exactly what we ask for. We make our requests consciously or subconsciously. We draw what we want to us by focusing our energy on what is uppermost in our minds.
Emphasize the lack of happiness, wealth and good fortune and sure enough we enforce a behavior that gives us exactly what we are asking of life.
Understanding how to change our focus is the cornerstone to initiating behavior that is uplifting i.e. motivational.
There are a number of ways that we can find out how to overcome negative happenings in our lives. Therapy is one route that is also expensive and time consuming.
We recommend our guide, “How to Really Motivate Yourself.” Order your copy and learn how to identify the triggers in your life that are preventing you from becoming self-motivating.
The really great news is that it’s a fraction of the cost of a therapist. This valuable guide will teach you how to reduce turmoil, improve focus and motivate yourself in your everyday life.
What you can learn from this guide
You will learn everything you need to know about introducing self motivation into your personal and business life. And, you will learn how to identify exactly where you need help.
10 Things You Will Discover When You Do
- How to sweep blocks from your mind.
- Learn how to deal with regret.
- Discover how to do an energy audit.
- Find out how to renovate your relationships.
- How new connections can change your focus.
- Stop procrastination once and for all.
- Why planning is crucial to your success.
- What a change in routine will do for you.
- What bugs you and why.
- Gratitude and attitude.
Sound easy? Honestly, it is. Once you filter out all the unimportant stuff, “How to Really Motivate Yourself” shows you everything you need to know to introduce the benefits of motivation in your daily life.
and the best parts are . . .
- You don’t need any special education.
- It’s a simple and easy read for anyone.
- It doesn’t require much time to implement the suggestions.
- You can start as soon as you’ve read the guide.
- Cost is minimal.
- And, it’s a real bargain!
Take a peek inside and you will find out everything you need to know:
Learn that motivation is not a substitute for hard work.
Discover how to keep it simple.
Answer the question, do you expect perfection?
Create your plan for success.
And more!
Do you think that you score pretty high? Find out here:
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Do you think that you score pretty high?
How easy is it for you to put one foot in front of the other and complete the due diligence that is so necessary to accomplish our goals?
What happens at the end of a long day when all you want to do
is kick back and relax and your cell phone rings with a call from that client you’ve been waiting to hear from for weeks?
Or, you’ve finally finished a particularly frustrating day and the boss wants a face-to-face in his office right at quitting time?
Yeah, it’s pretty easy to be motivated when thing are running along smoothly in your life.
But, what’s your motivation quotient when life’s tossing you a curve ball?
Get answers and discover your motivation quotient at:
Discover more from Personal Blog of Richard Tong
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