Reduce, Re-use, Recycle – Real World Sustainability

Andy MacDonald always enjoyed weekend trips to the beach or camping with his parents, but he was seriously concerned when he started to take his young family to the favourite spots he remembered.

The beaches and the water were fouled to the point that some places were closed because of health risks.

Some of the old camping spots were barren or covered in trash that had accumulated over years.

The streets of the town they lived in were almost treeless and there were few birds or other wild life in the parks. When he tried to grow his own vegetables he found many plants could not get to maturity. He was told there might be stuff in the soil


and the atmosphere which was causing those problems.

It’s a pretty bleak picture out there compared to what it used to be. Pristine beaches are gone.
Parks are becoming de

nuded. Our fresh fruits and vegetables are becoming bland and tasteless.

Can anything be done?

Yes, and that’s the good news.
Find out all about it here:

The purpose of the book is to provide you strategies to improve your surroundings, protect your health, ways to save money and strategies to positively make a difference for the health and well being of our plant.

The author begins with the simple question of: What are the cost and benefits to me and the environment of this action? The intend is to ha

ve the reader focus on how simple and effective changes can help oneself while ensuring the health of our plant.

Your war on waste is the third chapter. The author presents the three “R’s”: reduce, re-use and re-cycle used items. These are the most important rules to follow when making an effort to reduce your carbon foot print on our plants. There are strategies to implement for home, work and in your personal space in the community. The author looks at books, magazines, toys, paper products and clothing and provides websites for additional information on where and how to recycle.

In chapter four the author assist you in developing a process to audit your home to ensure it is free of fiber glass, asbestos, and other hazardous materials. There is information on how these materials can effect your health as well as our plant.

The next section is dedicated to lighting; the good, bad and ugly. There is important information regarding switching from traditional incandescent light globes to alternative light sources. The author lists governmental recommendations and possible dead lines for the switch. There is a website listed which provides additional information on the efficiency, explanation and advantages of switching Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL’s). Along with advantages the author also lists some of the drawbacks to CFL’s.

The next chapter focuses on appliances. The author provides pointers on how to shop and purchase the most cost effective and safe appliances. A most to read before buying any major appliance. There is information on how to determine the energy ratings, switching off appliances, which ones, when not in use and suggestions on low-cost options. There is a lot of valuable information which will assist in cutting your gas and electric bills provided in this chapter. The author includes additional information on how to cut cost related to using washing machines, dryers, computers, and water heaters.


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