Finding the Purfect Pet! – Your New Cat Guide

Or not! Selecting a cat is a daunting task and not one to be taken lightly.

Having your child come home dragging a bedraggled kitten by the neck is not the optimal
method for selecting a new family member.

However, we have some very good suggestions available that can help you make the decision
about whether to own a cat or not.

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The best thing to do is begin to investigate the possibilities as soon as you learn that your neighbors cat is having kittens.
It’s a good bet that your child will present you with the scenario we introduced to you above.

Get the jump on the situation and prepare with a puuurfect ga

You’ll be glad you did!

See more at:

me plan ahead of time.

Okay, for some reason you have ended up here.  Since this page pertains to owning a cat the odds are pretty good that you are considering becoming a new cat owner.First things first.  There is something that you need to understand from the get go.  You will NEVER own a cat.  However, a cat will very well own YOU!  Also, a cat is NEVER a pet.  It is an integral member of the FAMILY.Now that we have that little piece of business taken care of, let’s discuss the details of owning your first cat.  You will never have such a loyal and devoted friend as a cat.  Not that most cats would own up to it if they could speak, it’s the truth.Yes, they do maintain an air of al

oofness.  And yes, they may appear a bit haughty at times, but that’s just to make certain that we are on our toes and never forget who is in charge.No matter the reasons why you are seeking cat ownership, there are some very specific technical details that you need to consider.  Getting answers to your questions is key to making the right choice.

While there are millions of cat owners out there, the details about selection, housing, feeding and healthcare are just as varied.  That is why it’s a good idea to go to an objective source for your education about all things cat-related.

Luckily, you are in the right

 place.  We ask those burning questions for you and give you the answers in our new guide, “Your New Cat Guide“.  Everything you need to know about selecting and caring for your first cat is included in this comprehensive study.

You don’t need any special training.  It’s a very easy read.

• It doesn’t require a lot of time to get started.
• You can begin preparation as soon as you’ve read the guide.
• Cost is minimal – it’s a real bargain!



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