Permaculture is a branch of ecological design, ecological engineering, environmental design, construction and integrated water resources management that develops sustainable architecture, regenerative and self-maintained habitat and agricultural systems modeled from natural ecosystems.
Dear Reader,
Ooookay! Are you lost?
What Does It Mean and How Does It Work?
Let’s assume that you are already a gardener or someone who wants to begin gardening. Honestly, above we’ve shown you the first reaction from folks who hear the definition of Permaculture for the first time.
We aren’t sure why it takes such a complex description to describe something very simple. We’ll discuss a bit more of this in a moment but let’s agree for now that in the simplest of terminology, Permaculture is working WITH Mother Nature.
Isn’t this just another form of organic gardening? Yes and no. It’s more than that. Now, before you get hung up on all that “technical stuff” just ask yourself a few questions.
Do I want to garden without responsibility?
Do I want to add harsh chemicals to my garden?
Do I want to ignore the value of the resources we use?
Do I want to waste or spoil those resources?
If you answered with a resounding “NO” then you’re in the right place at the right time.
Find out what all the buzz is about here:
Just What Are We Eating?
Can you imagine what your great-grandmother would say if she could visit your modern supermarket? In fact, have you ever broken down that word? Super and market. Hmmm they really are pretty super aren’t they?
Fresh melon in January. Strawberries in February. Apples 365 days a year. Yes, they are pretty super. But, like it or not, there is a price to be paid for all that convenience.
Cheap transportation makes it possible for us to have those fresh fruits and vegetables year around. But that’s not the whole story. The government does regulate to a degree.
But, how do we know what goes into the medium where the food is planted? What kind and how many different additives were used in the growing process? Then there are the preservatives on top of the actual additives. The list goes on.
So what does all of this mean? The bottom line is that no matter how “pretty” our fruits and vegetables appear, we have no control whatsoever when it comes to what we are eating. Unless – we grow it ourselves.
Yes We Have An Answer
Are you still with us? Our author, Joe Boxall, has taken on the intimidating task of sorting through the mystery of Permaculture and has found out that it’s not all that mysterious after all.
It does require a little bit of reading, but nothing like a textbook as the Wikipedia definition used in the beginning of this page. It’s not mysterious at all. It just needs to be presented in an intelligent, plain English manner that anyone can read and understand.
And Joe does just that.
1. Learn all about the benefits of Permaculture.
2. Discover the principles behind Permaculture.
3. Power up your knowledge about insect allies.
4. Unearth the secrets behind companion planting.
5. Find out how to design your Permaculture system.
6. Educate yourself about the importance of your soil.
All of this is simple child’s play with “Permaculture in Our Gardens!”
and some of the best parts are . . .
• It really is an easy read!
• It doesn’t take long to read clear through..
• Cost of the guide is ridiculously inexpensive!
Our Joe has designed a well-written guide that will grab your attention from beginning to end and you will be amazed at the wealth of knowledge he imparts.
Find out what all the buzz is about here:
782581638-Permaculture in Our Gardens –
Permaculture: a branch of ecological design, ecological
engineering, environmental design…yada yada yada!
That’s part of the Wikipedia definition. It’s really pretty
darn exciting once you know what’s it’s all about.
Especially if you are any kind of gardener or would
like to be one.
In fact, many people have stayed away from any discussion of Permaculture because they thought it was confusing.
Not true, when it’s ‘splained in plain English!
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