Want That Job? – Resumés with Impact

If you are still using old-fashioned tactics when preparing your resume you need help!

Today’s work environment is nothing like it was when your parents were job hunting.

It’s more competitive than any other time in history.
Some positions have hundreds of applicants competing for just one position.

What can you do?

You could hire a professional to prepare your resume.

Winning Your New Job –

You could also hire a pro to prepare a game plan for you follow when you attend an interview.

Those are pretty expensive proposals, however. Preparing a powerful resume is crucial to landing the job of your dreams.

But, how to do it?

We have the answer and you can see it here:

It’s an extremely competitive job market out there today. Unlike your parents or grandparents, it’s very rare that someone has a single job in their lifetime. It’s a foregone conclusion that you will never earn that proverbial “gold watch.”

Today, it’s all about survival of the fittest and it begins with your résumé. Of course you can pay someone a hefty fee to prepare a résumé for you. Or, you can choose to do it yourself.

Preparing your own résumé can be a daunting task without a mentor. We have just the ticket for you. Résumés with Impact is like having a mentor sitting by your side while you prepare for your career.

Writing your résumé requires skill and purpose. Slapping together a list of experience and hobbies doesn’t even put you in the running, let alone winning that prize position.

The odds for employment being with they are today dictate that you will have to apply for new positions several times throughout your life. The sooner you get it together the better off your professional landscape will look.

· Do you know what type of résumé you wish to prepare?

· Do you fully understand the position you are seeking?

· Do you know how to find out what the employer wants?

· Do you know exactly what you must always include?

· Do you know how long your résumé should be?



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