Lose Weight Hypnosis

How to Finally Break Free From the  Horrific Dieting Roller Coaster So
You Can Finally Rescue Your Will Power  and Achieve Your Ideal Weight With  No Stress, No Pills and No Worries  About Gaining it Back…EVER

Hallelujah! Valerie Dawson shines the spotlight of truth on the weight loss sham that’s been going on for decades and reveals to you the real way to lose weight.

Dear Friend,

It’s true. Over 95% of people who manage to lose weight gain it all back, and most even end up gaining more than they started with. There’s something seriously wrong here, and yet no one is talking about it. Here’s the silver lining: there is something out there that does work the way it’s supposed to.

Today people are reaching their weight loss goals without having to eat like a bird, without going on fad diets, without counting calories and carbs, without pills, and without missing out on the finer things in life, like the full passionate enjoyment of a wonderful gourmet meal.

Unfortunately only a small number of fortunate people are taking full advantage of this miraculous method for losing weight and, most importantly, keeping it off.

They are doing it with hypnosis.


Why Put a Bandage on the Problem

When You Can Fix it Permanently

Hypnosis Solutions’…

-Lose Weight Easy Hypnosis Program-

  I’ve combined all the missing ingredients, important factors that are keeping you from getting to your ideal weight and staying there, and I’ve put them all together in one amazing place.

The Lose Weight Easy Hypnosis Program will change the way you think about your weight, your health and your overall peace of mind. Let’s take a look at what you’ll come away with when you order Lose Weight Easy Hypnosis Program:

You’ll lose your craving for fatty and sugary foods
You’ll feel satisfied after eating smaller portions
You’ll learn to genuinely enjoy exercising
You’ll speed up your metabolism, increasing your energy levels all day long
You’ll put an end to stress-induced eating and over-snacking
You’ll notice your desire for healthy foods increasing
You’ll learn more positive, constructive ways to handle stress
You’ll re-discover your willpower that’s been hiding within you
You’ll feel more in control of your life
You’ll lose the weight and keep it off!

How is all this done? How can a hypnosis program do all this? It’s easy when you understand what hypnosis can do for you. Once you reach a hypnotic trance your subconscious is open to suggestion.
Then we work with your subconscious, the way you think about your weight, your eating habits and your lack of control over them, and we transform these negative patterns into thoughts of healthier habits, bringing to the surface your natural desire to eat better and in less quantity, to exercise more and to take back control.
Once this is done, you can watch the pounds drop as you start to live your life to the fullest. It’s really a wonderful thing!

Here’s Why You Should Listen to Me

Because I’m an expert who has a long history of success. I hold a Bachelors Degree in Psychology, a Masters Degree in Clinical Social Work, and have been a counselor and hypnotherapist for over 18 years. I have extensive training in weight management hypnosis from the most respected experts in the field. And get this: doctors in my area even refer their patients to me because I have such a high success rate, and I’m someone they can stake their reputation on.

I am a member of the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and the International Hypnosis Federation. I know what hypnosis is all about, I’ve trained and worked with the best, and now I’m ready to help you achieve your weight loss goals not just today, but for the rest of your life.

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