So You Think You Can Write! – Simple Steps to Writing Success

Do you really? Do you want to find out?

There’s a new resource out that might just let you pursue that dream.

What’s the worse thing that can happen? You might discover that you really have a talent for writing.

It really doesn’t matter what the genre is, there are basic steps that need to be taken when writing.

What do YOU enjoy?

What do YOU read?

There is alot of hype out there online about blue-prints. It seems like there’s a blueprint for everything these days.

Even so, this is new resource is truly a blueprint that you can put to work and insure your own writing success!

Don’t waste another minute.
Check it out now!

Yes, that headline is a takeoff from the popular television show. “So You Think You Can Dance” has become a huge success for the producers while providing terrific exposure for the contestants.

Generally amateurs from a variety of genres compete for the top spot of America’s favorite dancer. In some ways, a writing career can mimic this type of show. You may have practical experience writing for your work.

If you find that experience enjoyable it may spur you on to pursue some type of technical writing.

Or, you may be an avid reader of romance, mystery or other type of genre. Some writers say that they were prolific readers before they became writers.

The bottom line is that you CAN write if you believe you can and are willing to work to achieve success.

Yeah, there’s that little four letter word. . .work.

Not sure where we read this so we’ll credit an unknown author, “It’s a sad testimony to the world we live in, but you probably also learned very quickly that wishes and wants were the work of child’s play; and, that they had little to do with what you reap in “real life.”

If you want to write but have put it off because you just didn’t know where to begin, that excuse no longer applies as we will explain in a moment.

You may have heard the comment that there is a book inside of everyone. Well, that’s all well and good, but if you don’t know where to begin how do you ever get started? That’s the Achilles heel for most struggling writers.

It’s a pattern that occurs all too often. You begin a writing project and get a few pages written and before you know it you’re totally bogged down without a clue of what to do next.

We start off thinking we’ll conquer the world but all too soon we discover that the world is conquering us! Unfortunately we also become habitual participants in our own self-fulfilling prophecy, destroyers of our own wants and wishes. Those dreams of success all too frequently manifest into nightmares of reality.


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