When Thought Becomes Reality – Intuitive Mind-Power

Have you ever wished you had a treasure map? One that would bring you everything your heart desires.

Well, you’re in luck because we know where to find it.

Discover how you can be, do and have anything your heart desires.

Learn how to tap into your hidden power and unleash your natural talents. You soon understand just how to put them to work for you.

ESP, mind to mind communication, auras and so much more. Once you have your own power tapped and working for you, the sky’s the limit!

If you are ready to “change your mind” and “change your life,”find out more at:


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How many times a day are you reminded of just how hard it is to make ends meet during this economic crisis? Once? Twice? Would you believe hundreds?  

That’s right. Hundreds. In fact it may be in the thousands, but let’s be a little conservative here.  Did you know that it only takes 27 days to create a habit?

Given that, how long do you think it takes to create a belief when it’s pounded into you hundreds of times a day? Not very long, that’s for sure. You may “think” that you are immune to any type of programming. 

The fact is that no one is immune and we are all subject to whatever the mind conceives. Do you need proof? Okay, here are a few examples:

What do you think of when you see golden arches?

What comes to mind when you see a red circle encircling another circle and a dot in the middle?

How about a cute little green gecko?

You can probably come up with a few of your own a quickly as we did.  McDonalds, Target and Geico all pay huge sums of money to advertising firms who can give them this kind of priceless branding.

For our purposes, however, it’s an example of conditioning.  These companies have managed to create powerful messages.  That’s only part of the equation, however.  

The second and equally important component is repetition.  When you combine the two it’s pretty much guaranteed you won’t forget it.

So, where does this take us? If you are a computer geek you may remember this: “GIGO” or “garbage in garbage out.” The mind is the most powerful computer in the world.  

So, how can you use this to your advantage? Learn how to tap into that power, putting it to use to benefit every aspect of your life.  

What do you want more of?  Happiness, wealth, confidence or all of the above. You have probably heard the phrase, “whatever the mind can perceive you can receive.”

Well, it’s true. All you need is the treasure map. And, we have it! You can have it too just minutes from now! But first, let us tell you a little bit about “Intuitive Mind-Power.”

Not only does “Intuitive Mind-Power” teach you how to re-program your mind. If you follow the instructions, you will be able to be, do and have whatever you choose in life.


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