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In life, do we encounter a
lot of annoying trivia every day? In our work,
we often encounter many difficulties?
Solo Ad Subject: Kids Are BIG Business Don't believe it? Next time you go shopping on a weekend just look around at all the moms and dads buying kid "stuff." Or catch the Saturday morning television fare that is directed exclusively to . . . who? Why, parents but through the kids. If you are a working mom who wants to stay home with her own kids then doesn't it make sense to consider tapping in on this huge market? You better belive it and we have a guide that not only proves it but shows you how to do it. Check it out here: YOUR LINK HERE ************************ Classified Ad Subject: Kids Are BIG Business Don't believe it? Check it out here: YOUR LINK HERE |
Solo Ad Subject: Wanna Fire Your Boss? Seriously, if you are sick and tired of justmworking for the "man" it's time to explore your options. We're NOT talking about another get rich quick scheme or scam! We're talking about a real income exploiting what you already know. With your talent and our guide, the sky's the limit. Learn how to work independently. Find out how to work alone. Develop your new business plan. Discover how to promote yourself. What are we talking about? Cash in on your own skill set and become a freelancer. It's much easier than you may think and we have the tools you need to get started. What are you waiting for? Check it out here: YOUR LINK HER ************************* Classified Ad Subject: Wanna Fire Your Boss? It's easy. Check it out here: YOUR LINK HERE |
Solo Ad Suject: Can You Do It? Well, can you? Retrain your brain, that is. Wait, before you go off clicking away thinking this is some "woo woo" message about connecting with your inner child, read on. Now, all of us have heard about not using the full potential of our brain, right? Without quoting a full university class outline let's just say that we accept that premise. The bottom line is this, using your brain better creates less stress and more success. And, if you want to learn how, click this link: YOUR LINK HERE ************************* Classified Ad Suject: Can You Do It? Can you use your brain better creating less stress and more success? YOUR LINK HERE |
Solo Ad Subject: Creating Your Future True success is not some illusive goal. Like so many other worthy aspirations success is CREATED. You can't inherit it although you may receive an inheritance. You can't buy it no matter what some gurus may tell you. Your future is whatever you choose to create. You are already creating that future as you read this message. Your future success will be whatever you desire. Right now you are living whatever you created for yourself in the past. If you want your future to be different, you need some tools and here is where you will find them: YOUR LINK HERE ************************** Classified Ad Subject: Creating a Future Find out how to create yours at: YOUR LINK HERE |
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Solo Ad Subject: Finding the Puuurfect Pet! Or not! Selecting a cat is a daunting task and not one to be taken lightly. Having your child come home dragging a bedraggled kitten by the neck is not the optimal method for selecting a new family member. However, we have some very good suggestions available that can help you make the decision about whether to own a cat or not. The best thing to do is begin to investigate the possibilities as soon as you learn that your neighbors cat is having kittens. It's a good bet that your child will present you with the scenario we introduced to you above. Get the jump on the situation and prepare with a puuurfect game plan ahead of time. You'll be glad you did! See more at: YOUR LINK HERE ********************* Classified Ad Subject: Finding the Puuurfect Pet! Or not! Selecting a cat is a daunting task and not one to be taken lightly. Find out how at: YOUR LINK HERE |
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Solo Ad Subject: The Screaming Voice in the Room Have you ever heard it? It's know to speak volumes but never say a word! It expresses likes and dislikes without uttering a sound. It can even indicate absolute hatred or joy. Give up? The answer is body language. Whether it's yours or it belongs to someone else, it will reveal volumes about the person being read. Which leads to the bottom line question? Can you identify and interpret body language, whether it belongs to you or someone else? If you can't, you are missing out on hundreds of opportunities to help yourself and others. Learn more at: YOUR LINK HERE **************************** Classified Ad Subject: The Screaming Voice in the Room Whose voice is it? Find out here: YOUR LINK HERE |
Solo Ad Subject: Making Every Day Better! Interesting idea, isn't it? The very concept of making every tomorrow of your life better than today seems like a pretty daunting task. Think it can be done? Well it can, but the very fact that you believe you can do it puts you halfway toward the goal! Belief is the ingredient required to launch this or any other concept you desire. Have you ever heard of mindfulness? What about meditation? Ah, now we're getting somewhere, aren't we? If you are truly interested in learning exactly how you can be, do and have all that you desire, visit us and we'll show you how. YOUR LINK HERE **************************** Subject: Making Every Day Better! Interesting idea, isn't it? Think it can be done? Find out here: YOUR LINK HERE |
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Solo Ad Subject: Failure Is Not An Option! Are you one of the unfortunate people who find themselves in the number of folks who are out of a job? This happens every day in the workforce usually through no fault of the individual. You could be a victim of down-sizing, company reorganization or just plain company closings. The problem today is competition. For every vacancy there are a dozen other applicants. How can you make a difference? How can you stand out from the crowd? How can you even compete? These are valid questions. You need that opportunity and you need every edge you can get. Whether you are looking for a job or even just a move within your own company, we may have an answer for you. Take a look here: YOUR LINK HERE You'll be glad you did! ************************* Classified Ad Subject: Failure Is Not An Option! Are you out of a job and need help finding one? Take a look here: YOUR LINK HERE |
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Solo Ad Subject: Shine a Little Light Yeah, shine a little light on a great hobby and find out if it's a good match for you! We can't all be excited about collecting stamps. Some of us wouldn't know a knitting needle from a crochet hook. Heck, many of us wouldn't know the right end of a sewing machine if our life depended on it. Where does the thread go? One thing is a sure bet, however. It's a proven fact that a hobby reduces stress and there isn't one of us in today's world that doesn't need a stress reducer.And, we've got one that's easy to learn and could even earn some extra cash if you decide it's a good match for you. Take a look and see if this doesn't appeal to the creative side of you: YOUR LINK HERE ****************** Classified Ad Subject: Shine a Little Light Do this and have fun and make money. Find out more at: YOUR LINK HERE |
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Solo Ad
Subject: What Is YOUR Brand? No, we're not talking about cigarettes or beer! We're talking about your BRAND. What is your personal or professional brand? How do others "see" you or your business? If you don't know, you're leaving a critical factor of your success to chance. It's interesting to note that most business owners give little thought to branding their business. The smart onesn know that they need a business plan and that part of that is advertising. The idea of advertising enters the equation very quickly. Most businesses will apply different kinds advertising to their budget. Unfortunately, they don't stop to consider how to "brand" their business before they start spending that budget. All is not lost, however. It IS possible to adjust your course and add branding to the mix. The sooner the better. And we have just the tool for you to implement that strategy. Learn how at: YOUR LINK HERE ************************ Classified Ad Subject: What Is YOUR Brand? Don't know? Want to find out? Click below. YOUR LINK HERE |
Solo Ad Subject: About Your Journal . . . What? You don't have one? Well, that's something you may like to rectify. Life experiences have a way of getting blurred over time. If you don't believe it, just think back on some of your own happenings. What did you wear to your high school or college when you graduated? What color was your first car? Who were your co-workers at your first job and what were their names? See how easy it is to let time slip by without any concrete evidence of what we were doing and what we were feeling back when? The answer to this dilema is . . . wait for it . . . a journal. But, not just any journal. A record that will instantly transform you back to prior events with all the emotion experienced then embedded in your memory. How can you do that? Glad you asked. Take a look here: YOUR LINK HERE You'll be glad you did. ********************** Subject: About Your Journal . . . What? You don't have one? Well, that's something you may like to rectify. Find out how at: YOUR LINK HERE |
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Solo Ad Subject: YOU Have a Story to Tell ...and we know how to tell it. It's true, deep down inside yourself, you know it too. The sum total of all your experiences have a tremendous story to share with others whether it be family, friends or strangers. You have no idea how your story may impact others. Or, even more important the gift you give your children and grandchildren when you share their heritage. No matter what you may believe, your history is important and your family deserves to have it recorded. Think you don't know how to it? Think again, because everything you need is right here: YOUR LINK HERE ***************************** Classified Ad Subject: YOU Have a Story to Tell ...and we know how to tell it. YOUR LINK HERE |
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Solo Ad Subject: Perma What? Permaculture: a branch of ecological design, ecological engineering, environmental design...yada yada yada! That's part of the Wikipedia definition. It's really pretty darn exciting once you know what's it's all about. Especially if you are any kind of gardener or would like to be one. In fact, many people have stayed away from any discussion of Permaculture because they thought it was confusing. Not true, when it's 'splained in plain English! Find out what all the buzz is about here: YOUR LINK HERE *********************** Classified Ad Subject: Perma What? Find out what all the buzz is about here: |
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Solo Ad Subject: Making Every Day Better! Interesting idea, isn't it? The very concept of making every tomorrow of your life better than today seems like a pretty daunting task. Think it can be done? Well it can, but the very fact that you believe you can do it puts you halfway toward the goal! Belief is the ingredient required to launch this or any other concept you desire. Have you ever heard of mindfulness? What about meditation? Ah, now we're getting somewhere, aren't we? If you are truly interested in learning exactly how you can be, do and have all that you desire, visit us and we'll show you how. YOUR LINK HERE **************************** Subject: Making Every Day Better! Interesting idea, isn't it? Think it can be done? Find out here: YOUR LINK HERE |
Solo Ad Subject: Attn: Gardeners! Before you know it the growing season will be here once again. If you are an avid gardener here's something that might appeal to you. It's a well-know fact that globally the bee population has been seriously decimated. While there are many schools of thought about the cause, the results are the same. There are just not as many of these creatures as there used to be. In fact, it is fast approaching critical mass. Touting the benefits of keeping bees isn't even a question. Lack of pollination, however, is an end result that no one wants to consider. If you are a gardener you may want to give some thought about how you can personally contribute. Adding a couple of hives to your garden can help this global crisis! Plus, you will reap huge health benefits for yourself as well! Learn more about it at: YOUR LINK HERE ***************************** Classified Ad Attn: Gardeners! Learn how you can help prevent a global gardening crisis and reap great rewards in the process. Learn more at: YOUR LINK HERE |
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Solo Ad Subject: Out of Work? Need a job? Sadly, you are in good company. The number of unemployed workers just continues to spiral out of control. There doesn't seem to be an end in sight. Isn't it time you gave some thought to updating your resume? If you are still using the format your Dad, or even your Grandfather, used you are in serious trouble. If you look at your resume as an advertise-ment, based on today's market, would you hire yourself? Pretty scary when you look at it like that. Listen, if you are using old, outdated methods to "spread the word" you are definitely fighting a losing battle. If your resume doesn't hook the reviewer, they"ll go straight to the next one in the electronic stack they still have to check. You lost this opportunity to get an interview or any kind of follow-up. You can change this pattern. Find out how at: YOUR LINK HERE ***************************** Classified Ad Subject: Out of Work? Need a job? Find out how to get one here: YOUR LINK HERE |
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How to Walk on the Wild Side! Hmmm. . . sound interesting? Find out more at: YOUR LINK HERE ***************************** How to Walk on the Wild Side! Are you looking for a way to lose weight that doesn't require a bunch of cash? Or perhaps you are just interested in finding a hobby that takes you away from daily stress. Maybe you want to find a good reason to enjoy the great outdoors and grab what Mother Nature already provides. . .peace. Whatever your reasons, taking up walking on the wild side is just what you need to get started. Discover how to make the most of the experience and engage in a great activity without spending much money. You may prefer to spend a little and join in a guided tour. Whatever your pleasure it's out there. And you can learn how to take advantage of all that it offers. Find out more at: YOUR LINK HERE |
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Has Your Belly Ever Laid You
Low? Want to do something about it? Find out here: YOUR LINK HERE ********************************** Has Your Belly Ever Laid You Low? We aren't talking about the occasional little stomache like you get at Thanksgiving from eating too much. If you know what we are talking about, you probably wish it were that simple. Nope, we are talking about the excruciating, bend you over double kind of pain that takes you to your knees. You're never sure when it's going to hit you and can quickly curtail any social plans you may have had planned. You try over the counter meds but nothing seems to touch it. It seems to go as quickly as it came and you tend to forget about it until the next time it hits you. Don't wait until it brings you to your knees again. How would you like to get some answers? Well, you can right here: YOUR LINK HERE |
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